TERM PROJECT / 2022 / iN COLLAboration with: Cisco Systems, Inc / SOLO PROJECT

Cloud Computing

A minimal computing solution enabling a connection to a cloud computing server, reducing the amount of hardware in each household, and centralizing computing power while still keeping personal data safe.

In short

Cisco Cloud Connect is designed to connect to Cisco's Cloud Computing service. It consists of a device, that provides a minimal amount of computing power necessary for a secure login and a digital interface and algorithm to ensure the most resource- and cost-efficient handling while using the computer service. It does so by changing the computing speed and performance according to the user's situational needs, be it at home or the office.

  • Cloud computing provides internet-based computing services like servers, storage, and software. It offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Users can access services remotely, pay for what they use, and rely on secure infrastructure.

  • Our computers at home are in a lot of cases idle most of the day, which leads to wasted resources, higher maintenance costs, high amounts of e-waste, and so on. Just imagine all the unused devices around the globe.

  • Cloud Computing on a subscription basis offers the possibility to centralize computing power and minimize the actual amount of hardware in each household. Computers could be combined and used at their full capacity. Additionally, it can be cheaper for users, seeing that they only pay for the capacity they’re using each time.

02_ User experience

The User should be able to easily view its current “Computer subscription” and if he is using it to its full capacity. If not, he can optimize the usage and recalculate how much is actually needed at the moment for the tasks. This process can be seamless and changes whenever and how often needed.

01_ Resource management

Outsourcing computing power allows us to utilize hardware to its full capacity, upgrade and refurbish it easily, and drastically reduce the amount of hardware. Whenever there is some leftover computing power to be used, companies could run specific tasks in the background, to maximize usage.


Utilize hardware

Users can subscribe to hardware that fits their specific needs, such as gaming, working or organizing documents. This flexibility allows individuals to optimize their setup for both work and leisure activities, enhancing productivity and enjoyment.

Work transition

Establishing a connection between the workspace and the home office is crucial for seamless work transitions. CISCO CloudHub would greatly enhance the transition from work to home, allowing users to connect to the same cloud computer from anywhere they want, as well as accessing work-related resources and applications. Walk from work to home and continue from the same desktop as before.

* connect to local hardware, such as a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. 

Screen transfer

Cisco with this device establishes a safe and fast connection between the company offering the resources and my computer screen. It’s basically just transferring the display image back and forth.

Hardware details

* Storytelling video - special thanks to filmsupply


Seamless transition

Connect to the same desktop from anywhere.

Always up-to-date

Cloud Computing doesn’t require the user to upgrade their own hardware.


Hardware can be used for much longer and doesn’t need to be replaced by the user.

Reduced resources

The amount of hardware is reduced, limiting the amount of e-waste per household.

Pay for what you need

The user only pays for the amount of hardware they are using per month.

Fill spare time

Whenever the computer hubs have some idle time, they can run other non-urgent tasks.